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杜长青1 1.国网江苏省电力工程咨询有限公司 
徐明友1 1.国网江苏省电力工程咨询有限公司 
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倪晨晨2 2.西安交通大学 
董天宇2 2.西安交通大学 
中文关键词:换流变压器  继电保护  隐性故障  风险评估
A Reliability Analysis of Converter Transformer Relay Protection Systems Based on Markov State Space Method
Abstract:The current risk assessment of relay protection primarily concentrate on analyzing the effects of line faults. When determining the probability of latent faults,it heavily relies on empirical data,but fails to fully consider the impact of failures in primary equipment,such as converter transformers,on the performance of relay protection. This article investigates the underlying causes of thermal faults in converter transformers and develops a time-varying probability model for converter transformer failures. The model is based on a thermal-flow coupling analysis of converter transformers and further incorporates the impact of equipment thermal faults on the performance of protection systems,establishing a probability model for hidden failures that can lead to relay protection malfunction or misoperation. Additionally,a DC system risk assessment model is proposed,employing the Markov state space method. By exploring the potential effects of converter transformer thermal faults and hidden failures in relay protection on the overall stability and safety of the DC system,this article aims to offer a more comprehensive understanding of these risks. Through the establishment of time-varying models and simulation analyses,the system's stability and risk under converter transformer thermal faults are evaluated with greater accuracy,taking account of factors such as equipment performance,environmental conditions,and temporal variations. Simulation results show that the fault rate of the converter transformer increases exponentially over time,the system availability improves while the system risk increases significantly,and improving the fault detection coefficient of the protection device can effectively reduce the overall false action rate of the system.
keywords:converter transformer  relay protection  hidden faults  risk assessment
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