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金恩淑1 1.现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室(东北电力大学) 
胡晓晨2 2.北京交通大学电气工程学院 
张双双1 1.现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室(东北电力大学) 
吴星儒1 1.现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室(东北电力大学) 
付馨莹1 1.现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室(东北电力大学) 
中文关键词:柔性直流配电系统  线路保护  小波变换  模糊C均值聚类  单端量保护
A Single-Ended Protection Scheme for Flexible DC Distribution Lines Based on Measuring Impedance Equivalent Area
Abstract:As DC distribution lines are constrained by the sampling frequency of the equipment, it is difficult for the protection scheme to take into account the rapidity and reliability at the same time. To this end, a single-ended protection scheme for flexible DC distribution lines is proposed based on the equivalent area of measured impedance and fuzzy C-means clustering analysis. Firstly, the wavelet transform mode maxima of the measured impedance at the protection installation is calculated and analyzed to construct the startup criterion; secondly, the variation rules of fault voltage, current and measured impedance in the initial stage of the fault are theoretically analyzed, and the equivalent area of the measured impedance in the capacitive discharge stage is used to carry out the fault identification; thirdly, the offline FCM cluster analysis of the measured impedance is performed based on the historical data to realize the fault selection by comparing the Euclidean distance between the real-time data and the clustering center; finally, simulation tests are carried out in the PSCAD simulation platform for different working conditions, and the results show that the proposed protection scheme can realize fast and reliable identification of faults, and can effectively withstand transition resistance and noise interference.
keywords:flexible DC distribution system  line protection  wavelet transform  fuzzy C-mean clustering  single-ended quantity protection
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