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吴晨曦1 1. 杭州电子科技大学自动化学院 
倪索引1 1. 杭州电子科技大学自动化学院 
郑静2 2. 国网浙江省电力有限公司综合服务分公司 
吕施霖2 2. 国网浙江省电力有限公司综合服务分公司 
中文摘要:可再生能源发电的消纳是能源利用低碳转型的关键问题,储能是平抑可再生能源发电波动的重要手段。在此背景下,针对含先进绝热压缩空气储能(advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage,AA-CAES)和风电的电力系统,提出风电消纳的低碳调度方法,并建立能-碳追踪模型追溯负荷侧电能与碳的具体来源。首先,建立了电能-碳流追踪模型,其次,建立了AA-CAES电站运行模型和风电出力模型。之后,以常规机组运行成本、碳排放成本之和最小为优化目标,构建了含AA-CAES与风电的电力系统协同低碳调度模型。最后,以改进的IEEE 30节点系统为例,对AA-CAES/风电协同调度进行了计算与能碳溯源分析。结果表明,AA-CAES电站在电力系统中发挥了重要作用。在低负荷时段,AA-CAES电站主要处于压缩充电状态,储存电能;在高负荷时段,尤其是在风力发电出力不足时,AA-CAES电站通过膨胀放电来提供电能,有效平抑了风电的波动性。并通过能碳溯源分析,清晰地划分出AA-CAES/风电协同作用区域,显示出系统在不同负荷水平下的灵活响应能力。
中文关键词:电能-碳流追踪溯源  先进绝热压缩空气储能  低碳优化  风电消纳  风电作用区域
Research on Wind Storage-Energy Co-Scheduling Considering Energy-Carbon Traceability
Abstract:The accommodation and consumption of renewable energy generation is a key issue in the low-carbon transition of energy utilization, while energy storage is a crucial means to mitigate the fluctuations in renewable energy generation. Against this backdrop, a low-carbon dispatching method for wind power consumption is proposed for power systems containing advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage (AA-CAES) and wind power, and an energy-carbon tracking model is established to trace the specific sources of electricity and carbon on the demand side. First, the power flow-carbon tracking model is introduced. Second, operational models for AA-CAES power plants and wind power generation are developed. Third, the low-carbon scheduling model for the wind power generation coordinated with AA-CAES is formulated. Subsequently, with the objective of minimizing the sum of conventional unit operation costs and carbon emission costs, a collaborative low-carbon dispatching model for power systems containing AA-CAES and wind power is constructed. Finally, taking the improved IEEE 30-bus system as an example, calculations and energy-carbon traceability analysis are conducted for the coordinated dispatch of AA-CAES and wind power.The results demonstrate that the AA-CAES plays a significant role in the power system. During periods of low load, the AA-CAES primarily operates in a compression charging state to store electrical energy. In contrast, during high load periods, particularly when wind power generation is insufficient, the AA-CAES provides electricity through expansion discharge, effectively mitigating the variability of wind power. Furthermore, through an energy-carbon traceability analysis, the synergistic effect areas of AA-CAES/wind power are clearly delineated, demonstrating the system’s flexible response capabilities under different load levels.
keywords:energy-carbon tracking traceability  AA-CAES  low-carbon optimization  wind power integration  wind energy supply affected area
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